Articles about Self-Compassion

Sleep is your #1 Self-Compassion Practice

Starting a New Chapter with Backdraft

What If I Knew I Would Always Feel This Way?

Social Justice Begins with Self-Compassion for Our Body

Mindfulness is the Mother of Equanimity; Self-Compassion is the Midwife.

To My Body in Pain…

The Only Friend We Can Ever Rely On

Emergent Stretch as a Self-Compassion Practice

Choose Your Own Self-Compassion Practice Adventure

Body, Meet You; You, Meet Your Body

Finding the Hard Emotions to Protect the Soft Ones

Open Awareness Meditation and Self-Compassion

The Gift of Fearlessness through Stillness and Somatic Self-Compassion

Somatic Call and Response: Move it and you can soothe it

Tending to the Inner Rebel (aka Feisty Little Sweetheart)

Pulling on the Shirt of Arrows Every Morning: Tools for Preventing Caregiver Burnout

Somatic Awareness Journaling: A simple daily practice to reconnect with your body

Skillfully Releasing Pent-Up Energy Through Emergent Somatic Expression

Landing Compassionately After Going on Vacation

The Feminine and the Masculine in Mindful Self-Compassion

Should You Go On Silent Retreat?

Shame, Freedom & Social Justice

Practice as a Life Raft in a Sea of Emotions

Coming Home to Mindfulness and Self-Compassion

Re-Parenting Ourselves

HeartWorks Step-by-Step Approach to Support, Study and Practice

Word Meditation

How On Earth Do I Meditate? Part 2: Open Awareness

What do I need and how can I give it to myself? A women’s self-compassion retreat.

Sending in a child to do a woman’s work: Resistance, backdraft and strong woman parts

Cold and Teary, Well-fed and Connected at Vallecitos Mountain Ranch: A felt sense of common humanity

Opening and Closing: The law of emotional expansion and contraction

Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, and Responding to Injustice

Angry Dance: Letting my body have its reaction

Is It Equanimity or Dissociation? Part 2: Exploring Dissociation

Is It Equanimity or Dissociation? Part 1: Exploring Equanimity.

Permission To Not Sleep

Meeting Unmet Needs: The Courage to Self-Soothe

10 Tips for Self-Compassionate Air Travel

The Book of the World in an Episode of Shame

Check Energy Drains