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I recorded some reflections (20 minutes) on how valuable community is, how sad it is to feel disconnected from our community, the value of taking care of the body, and how I managed to teach a 5-day intensive Mindful Self-Compassion course with chronic fatigue 🙂
Thank you for being vulnerable and honest with us, Kristy. I am sending you so much love.
Thanks for being in community with me, dear one.
Kristy very good to hear your voice, which gave me comfort and hope so many times in the courses where I was your student!
Ana Carolina from Brazil
So lovely to hear from you, dear Ana Carolina. You bring back sweet memories of our time together in Brazil. Hope all is well in your part of the world <3
Kristy, I’m sorry to hear about your current health challenges, but I’m glad that you are taking good care of yourself and that you were able to reach out for support. Illness can be a powerful teacher.
It sounds like some perfectionist/achiever part of yourself could use some loving attention from your inner Wise Woman. How is she trying to take care of you? What is she afraid would happen if she didn’t keep pushing you right now? Is there something else she would like to do to contribute to your well-being?
Thanks for your openhearted and courageous sharing. You provide a wonderful role model of self-care for your students.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo,
Thanks for your support, dear Kim. Illness can, indeed, be a powerful teacher. I the part involved is a fiercely independent part that became that way because she had to learn to do a lot of things on her own. She grew up believing that if she didn’t do the job, no-one would, and that there were consequences for that. It comes from a place of not feeling a sense of community, and that’s what I’m learning about – how to rely on others rather than feel I have to do it all myself. There’s relief in finding that important things will still get done if I don’t take responsibility for them.
Wow. Love you so much. <3