We look forward to spending time with you and this wonderful material!
If you have paid by credit card, you will receive a receipt via PayPal. If you are paying by check, please make it out to “HeartWorks Training LLC” and mail it to:
HeartWorks Training LLC, PO Box 190443, St Louis, MO 63119
Once your payment is confirmed, we can register you for the course.
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations up to 3 weeks before the course will be refunded in full, minus any non-refundable fees collected by PayPal. Cancellations between 3 and 1 week before the course are subject to a 50% fee, minus any non-refundable fees collected by PayPal. No refund is provided after that point, except on compassionate grounds (evidence may be required)
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at kristy@heartworks.training
All the best,