I’m a born Philly girl (Philadelphia Eagles and Phillies fan 🙂 who moved to Florida when I was 18 and spent a combined 20 years there learning about grits-which I don’t like ;), sunshine and young children both of which I do like! When my daughter was born in 1986, I realized how much I enjoyed young children and went to school for early childhood education back in Delaware. I continued my studies at the University of Central Florida where I earned my Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education. It was there that my passion for social emotional development began. I taught kindergarten, first and second grades while living in Florida and enjoyed the safety and connection of the classroom communities my students, families and I created each year as well as the miraculous changes I witnessed in children’s social emotional intelligence and academics as a result. I just knew with these life skills they were set to thrive! Now back living near Philly in Middletown, DE I bravely decided to open my own business Conquering Chaos, LLC empowering and supporting families, schools and organizations in cultivating these essential social emotional life skills in children and the adults working with them and raising them.
I have always cherished my relationship with God and have practiced the concept of, “Be still and know that I am God” ever since I was a little girl rocking on the swing under our huge hickory nut tree. It was this foundation that drew me toward MBSR. However, after a startling revelation about myself and my past and years of therapy, I realized that I really wanted and needed guidance and support in developing self-compassion and kindhearted internal language. I then found MSC. I attended Kristy’s 5 day intensive MSC retreat in August of 2014 and broke down many times as I realized that I am already doing the best I can and it was time to stop striving to avoid my grief and fear. I welcomed both these scary emotions and since then they are no longer frightening monsters but tender feelings that I care for with compassion. I felt so relieved after that retreat and practice my MSC daily. The peace, love, warmth and safety I experience as a result of MSC fosters my business goal of teaching parents and teachers how to instill compassion and resilience within their children.
While simply living my life, I enjoy spending time with my best friend and husband, Frank our cats Spooky and Carmello, singing, playing games and being outside-even when it’s cold!