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Working with a current situation that is unclear, painful, challenging, and exploring what there is to grieve and what dream can be realized when we release something from that situation. (Note: One of the invitations in this meditation is to get in touch with an inner feminine part of ourselves.)
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash. Music by Joe Valley. Meditation by Kristy Arbon.
Kristy Arbon says
Thought I had a particular situation that involved sadness to work with, but when I started doing the practice there were a number of similar situations, present and past, that had the same flavor, so I allowed them all into my experience without trying to distinguish one from the other. They all registered as pressure behind my sternum. I physically opened my hands to symbolize the release, and found that what took the place of the sadness and holding on was expansiveness and white space. Rested in the expansiveness and freedom of what remained when I let go. 20 minutes went by very quickly!