Meditations to Cultivate Awareness

The Self Delights in Being Understood (12 minutes)

The Benevolence of Sensory Experience (27 minutes)

Savoring, companioning, and alleviating (18 minutes)

Being with pleasant, neutral and unpleasant sensations (18 minutes)

Releasing Yourself Into Your Own Care (16 minutes)

Expand, Center, Adjust, and Settle (19 minutes)

Awareness of Five Kinds of Sensations (20 minutes)

Settling and Grounding Awareness in Sound (13 minutes)

Settling and Adjusting (12 minutes)

Adjustments as Practice (11 minutes)

Affectionate Awareness and Responding with Compassion to Sensation (13 minutes)

Allowing Awareness to Flow (16 minutes)

Grounding Awareness in Sensations in Our Hands (11 minutes)

Air Exchange with Gratitude (15 minutes)

Grounding Awareness (9 minutes)

Affectionate Awareness (10 minutes)

Resting in Being Held in the Here and Now (10 minutes)

Allowing Heaviness in the Body (9 minutes)

Allowing Your Body to be Held (10 minutes)

Being Heavy on the Earth (15 minutes)

Anchoring Awareness in Breath or Heartbeat (8 minutes)

Arriving in This Place and Time (8 minutes)

Coming to Stillness (7 minutes)

Centering Yourself on Your Timeline (7 minutes)

Recognizing the Importance of the Breath (6 minutes)

Pause for Transition: Breath Meditation with Kindness (21 minutes)

Arriving At Your Breathing Body (5 minutes)

Releasing Thought Clouds (20 minutes)

Learning Mindfulness from the Body (19 minutes)

Sensation of Touch Meditation (7 minutes)