Meditations to Develop Interoception

Being with Challenging Internal Experiences with Kindness and Curiosity (21 minutes)

Three SSC Touchstones with Body Signal Reflections (19 minutes)

Three Somatic Self-Compassion Touchstone Questions Practice (17 minutes)

Body Scan with Three Somatic Self-Compassion Touchstone Questions (20 minutes)

Three SSC Elements Practice (18 minutes)

Holding Resistance with Patience and Kindness (19 minutes)

Anchoring Awareness with Acceptance (13 minutes)

Awareness of the Midline of Our Body (22 minutes)

Awareness of our Communicating Body (11 minutes)

Noticing The Breath in the Body (7 minutes)

Tending to A Sense, Emotion or Thought (16 minutes)

Corridor of Sensation (20 minutes)

Somatic Lovingkindness (17 minutes)

Anchoring Awareness in Simplicity in the Body (15 minutes)

Moving Towards Our Heart (25 minutes)

Awareness of Movement In and Around the Body (21 minutes)

Kind Curious Awareness of Body Sensations (17 minutes)

Breath Rising and Falling (17 minutes)

Mindful Walking – Soles of the Feet (19 minutes)

Mindfulness of Internal Body Sensations (6 minutes)