Meditations to Tend Through Body-Centered Awareness

Body-Centered Sensory Modulation (20 minutes)

Noticing Sensory Resources (17 minutes)

Awareness of environment-expanding and body-centered sensations (22 minutes)

Somatic Mindfulness Bridge (16 minutes)

Expand, Center, Adjust, and Settle (19 minutes)

Awareness of Five Kinds of Sensations (20 minutes)

Resourcing Through Pendulation (19 minutes)

Tender Self-Massage (17 minutes)

Touch and Release Practices for Tension (11 minutes)

Soothing Touch Pendulation (7 minutes)

Grounding Awareness in Soothing Touch (17 minutes)

Grounding in Curiosity in the Body (7 minutes)

Following the Breath in the Body (6 minutes)