Meditations to settle ungroundedness

Allowing Unsettledness to Dissolve in Your Body or the Earth (12 minutes)

Allowing Awareness to Flow (16 minutes)

Grounding Awareness in Sensations in Our Hands (11 minutes)

Anchoring Awareness with Acceptance (13 minutes)

Grounding Awareness (9 minutes)

Grounding in the Earth (18 minutes)

Allowing Heaviness in the Body (9 minutes)

Allowing Your Body to be Held (10 minutes)

Being Heavy on the Earth (15 minutes)

Noticing The Breath in the Body (7 minutes)

Grounding Awareness in Body Pressure (9 minutes)

Grounding Awareness in Soothing Touch (17 minutes)

Gravity Meditation (9 minutes)

Feeling the Physicality of the Air you Breathe (8 minutes)