TEDxTelAviv – Hedy Schleifer – The Power of Connection
Psychologist, Hedy Schleifer talks about “crossing the bridge” of the space between us and learning the art of listening.
Reflection Question
How are you not crossing the bridge to connect with someone else important in your life? What protective function does this serve? How might crossing the bridge change this relationship?
Center for Council’s Transformative Programming
This video explores how the use of Council Circle in the prison system can soothe and empower people through listening and connecting.
Lectio Divina – The Contemplative Society
This article is on the website of The Contemplative Society, an organization that encourages a deepening of contemplative prayer based in the Christian Wisdom tradition. Modern day mystic, Episcopal priest, writer, and retreat leader, Reverand Dr. Cynthia Bourgeault, is the founding Director of The Contemplative Society.
The article explores contemplative reading – Lectio Divina – within the Christian tradition.
Reflection Question
What wounds might be healed if you were listened to deeply and were able to listen deeply to those who are important to you?
Generous Listening
“Listening is an everyday art and virtue, but it’s an art we have lost and must learn anew. Listening is more than being quiet while others have their say. It is about presence as much as receiving; it is about connection more than observing. Real listening is powered by curiosity. It involves vulnerability — a willingness to be surprised, to let go of assumptions and take in ambiguity. It is never in “gotcha”mode. The generous listener wants to understand the humanity behind the words of the other, and patiently summons one’s own best self and one’s own most generous words and questions.”
One of On Being’s Grounding Virtues
Reflection Questions
Thinking of a time when you’ve experienced “generous listening,” how did you feel and how did you respond?
How was generous listening communicated to you? What kinds of words and phrases were used by the listener? What kind of body language was expressed in their listening?
You can find articles on connecting in community in the Social Creatures category on the HeartWorks website.
Somatic Self-Compassion Community on Facebook
You can see articles to support your study and practice on healing in community on our Somatic Self-Compassion Community page on Facebook.