Sensory Processing explained – Sensory Modulation
In this video Dr. Lucy Jane Miller is talking about sensory processing in children, but the same concepts are relevant for adults as well.
Reflection Questions
In what situations are you over-responsive (e.g. anxious, reactive, hypervigilant) to stimulation in the environment?
In what situations are you under-responsive (e.g. bored, apathetic, uninterested) to stimulation in the environment?
In what situations do you crave stimulation but can’t feel satisfied (e.g. online shopping without purchasing, moving furniture around the house without feeling satisfied with the outcome)?
Which of the 8 senses do you feel you are very responsive/over-responsive to, and which senses are you not at all responsive/under-responsive to?
What behaviors of yours are a response to sensory sensitivities (e.g. withdrawing from loud places, avoiding particular people, avoiding particular foods or smells)?
Sensory Profile Questionnaire online
If you’re interested in doing a more in-depth sensory profile for yourself, you can use the online Sensory Profile offered by Pearson Clinical.
Highly Sensitive Questionnaire
You might like to do Elaine Aron’s online test to help you understand your sensory sensitivities. There is another test you’ll be invited to do in Week 8 that explores how our past experiences have affected who we are today. The two tests together can provide an interesting picture that validates and acknowledges who we are and why we experience sensation and our environment in particular ways.
Websites of Interest
- The Sensory Connection Program
- The Sensory Modulation Program
- Sensory Spaces
- Tisserand Institute
- Calm Down Tools
- The Spiral Foundation
- Growing Hands-On Kids
Somatic Self-Compassion Community on Facebook
You can see articles to support your study and practice on sensory modulation on our Somatic Self-Compassion Community page on Facebook.